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The green way is an association completely dedicated to the local and targeted actions to help preserve the environment and the biodiversity. This association allows people to act on the ground, to participate in the improvement of the quality of the places of life and the biodiversity. The Earth is suffering of the actions of big groups which destroy our resources, and the activists made a great job to defend our planet, but some people don't feel concerned because they think they can't act localy and at their scale.
The green way helps those people to know where and how they can act, in their neighborhood. The green way made people involved, they feel themselves useful and are happy to contribute for the preservation of the environment without giving money or traveling far away. Everybody can act, at his scale, and when he wants.
This identity is based on the Earth, so the logotype contains 70% water green color to represent the water and 30% green for the earth on our planet. The font is important because it's a font that uses 50% less ink when printed.
All stationary elements are made in recycled paper, and a stamp is used as a signature, to limit the prints on paper. The business cards are made of biodegradable paper and contains a seed capsule in a detachable part. People get involved at the time they get a business card. They can plant the detachable part everywhere and let grow some savages plants that are very important for the bees.
Almost all communications is digital, to avoid useless paper things.
A website and an application let you discover where and how you can act near your home or everywhere in the world by a geolocalisation.
The green way helps those people to know where and how they can act, in their neighborhood. The green way made people involved, they feel themselves useful and are happy to contribute for the preservation of the environment without giving money or traveling far away. Everybody can act, at his scale, and when he wants.
This identity is based on the Earth, so the logotype contains 70% water green color to represent the water and 30% green for the earth on our planet. The font is important because it's a font that uses 50% less ink when printed.
All stationary elements are made in recycled paper, and a stamp is used as a signature, to limit the prints on paper. The business cards are made of biodegradable paper and contains a seed capsule in a detachable part. People get involved at the time they get a business card. They can plant the detachable part everywhere and let grow some savages plants that are very important for the bees.
Almost all communications is digital, to avoid useless paper things.
A website and an application let you discover where and how you can act near your home or everywhere in the world by a geolocalisation.
- V I S U A L I D E N T I T Y -


- S T A T I O N A R Y -

- B U S I N E S S C A R D W I T H C A P S U L E S E E D S I N R E M O V A B L E P A R T -

- D I S T R I B U T E D S E E D S I N E N V E L O P E -

- W E B S I T E -

- A P P W I T H G E O L O C A L I S A T I O N M A P F O R A C T I O N S -

- T H E O F F I C E -